Flyleaf of the heart - A New Chapter Ahead

"The Longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us."- Voltaire

               My Flyleaf

The captain shouts hard-a-starboard! and the crew react with swift professionalism however fatigue is catching up all too fast as this has been their 20th close encounter ever since the ship got caught in a nasty storm for hours, freezing temperatures paired with violent winds rock the ship in ways the cold steel hull have never experienced before. The hours go by and the winds abruptly weaken, the waves smaller and the crew more relaxed as the ship--- Virtue gets closer away from the nasty storm. The captain eventually orders the ship to ease down and give the crew a moment to catch their breath and rest for a while for as he noted, in the distant horizon, dark clouds await, but for now, their fight is to their tables and beds as no ship is good if it gets taken out from the inside.

I made this short story to describe my journey through the years of changes and discovery; of storms and time, of fight and rest. Frankly, the story may even be more positive than my reality as I believe I have already sunk my ship many times over, but with a little help and a little hope, I was able to go back to the bridge, steer my ship this time in ways I never knew was possible before and eventually reaching stable shores, it's not the destined port yet but it is better than stormy seas.

Relation to the Blog

For a long time, this blog has been left alone by the old me, He who has been too preoccupied with the endless bookmarks pinned for: family life, relationships and work. While the previous years have been downright challenging, they were not without merit, for these past few years I have been introduced to a friend called strengths, who appeared when I was faced with trials and loneliness. Who, as it turned out, was always there before, I guess, I just never went up close to talk to him personally as I was too busy entertaining everyone else, in an endless cycle of trying to please everyone.

I grew up believing that you should be nice to everybody and do your best to serve the common good or pray it all out. While those are nobles causes indeed, for someone like me, I felt the strain of that way of life later on, actually, I always felt it but I was too proud of myself and my deeds to know the negative impacts it had on me from the inside. I was sinking from the inside out. I was always trying to give my best foot forward to everyone I encounter to the point that I forgot to please the most important person in that room, Me. I was too preoccupied how to make someone alright even though they may have tried to tell me they are fine, I must have missed the clues because I was to focused on giving them that "happiness" they may or may not have asked for. Praying is great, God will be by your side, always, but remember, You are in control of your life and I think God gave you skills and the ability to tolerate hardships to the best you can, not so you can leave it all to him and just pray it all out. they did say, God has mercy but humans have the action.  

A New Year, A New Goal

I have recently tried to regain control of my life, and thus, this blog you are reading now. From reviewing things, I will also move on to my new focus in life: writing, cycling and books. I'll still review things from time to time and expect the name of the blog to change anytime soon. I wish you well dear reader, may you too find strength from within. 

Happy New Year and enjoy 2022! 🎇🎉

"Pain is an evil either to the body - so let the body give its evidence - or to the soul. But the soul can preserve its own clear sky and calm voyage by not assessing pain as an evil. Every judgement, every impulse, desire and rejection is within the soul, where nothing evil can penetrate." - Marcus Aurelius

Amor fati

(love of one's fate)


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